Profile PictureNevilleDaily

1:1 Guidance: Weekly Check-Ins to Fine-Tune Your Life (12-Week Container)

Hello friend!

I am offering a 12-week container where we do weekly 1:1 guidance calls to hone in on your biggest challenge. During our calls, we'll dive into your deepest challenge and work on unblocking the beliefs and mindsets that may be holding you back.

Each container is personalized to your journey and the challenges you're currently navigating.

If you're interested in learning more about how I can help you, jump on a free 20-minute call with me to learn more.

Much love,


Book your free call


Areas where I can help:

  • the best manifestation tools that have worked for me
  • uncovering blocks and limiting beliefs, and resolving them
  • understanding what's holding you back from creating the life you want
  • integrating the right mindsets for reality creation
  • clarifying your desires and coming up with specific scenes for your desire
  • books and resources that may help you get to the next level
  • mindset, purpose, and clarity call
  • overcoming depression
  • finding your way back to the light / finding faith & purpose
  • personal growth, consciousness, and spirit

After booking the call you'll receive:

  • a Calendly link to pick the date & time of our call
  • a Google Form where you can let me know what you'd like to work on in the call
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1:1 Guidance: Weekly Check-Ins to Fine-Tune Your Life (12-Week Container)